Oats Pan Cake - A Healthy Recipe for a Healthy You

Want to cut down on calories and add some fiber to your diet? Here's an interesting recipe for health conscious friends - Oats Pancake or Oats Idlis. Oats is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins and this enhances the high nutritive value of the pancakes (Indian idlis) without compromising on its delicious taste.

  • 14-Mar-2019

Understanding and Managing Thyroid Disorder

Did you know that undetected low levels of thyroid hormone may cause subtle changes that can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease?

  • 13-Mar-2019

Brain Aneurysms Symptoms Are Similar to Stroke: True or False?

Quiz yourself about this dangerous disorder: An aneurysm - a ballooning or bulging out of an artery where the wall is weak - can wreak havoc if it bursts. When aneurysms rupture in the brain, the resulting hemorrhage can cause stroke, coma, brain damage and other problems.

  • 11-Mar-2019

Simple vinegar test cuts cervical cancer deaths by a third

A simple vinegar test cut cervical cancer rates among Indian women by nearly a third and could prevent 73,000 deaths worldwide each year, the authors of a large-scale study have said.

  • 07-Mar-2019

Having a Problem Catching up with a Good Night's Sleep?

As many as 30 to 35 percent of adults complain of insomnia - insufficient sleep or trouble catching up with a sound 7-8 hours of quality night's sleep. Whatever may be your reason for Insomnia or sleep disorder, it can affect your mental and physical health and impact the quality of your life, as compared to those who sleep well.

  • 07-Mar-2019

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